Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L
Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L
Offer from
£6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for use on metal and bituminous roofs. Specially formulated to protect against the effects of UV and heat ageing Reduces surface temperatures and minimises surface blistering Use on metal and bituminous roofs Can be applied by soft brush or roller
Price compare and price history for the offer Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L at Wickes and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., Type: Protective Roof | 2014-08-03 | £ 30.99 | |
2 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., 5 L | 2014-09-21 | £ 30.99 | |
3 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., Colour: Alumini | 2014-11-23 | £ 30.99 | |
4 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., Colour: Aluminium | 2014-11-30 | £ 30.99 | |
5 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., Suitable for: Metal & bit | 2015-12-06 | £ 30.99 | |
6 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., Application Method: Brush | 2016-01-17 | £ 30.99 | |
7 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.20 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., | 2018-06-24 | £ 30.99 | |
8 | Wickes, Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L, £6.00 per L, Solar reflective roof paint for u..., | 2018-10-21 | £ 30.00 |
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Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L Application Method: Brush for £30.99
This offer was indexed on 2016-01-17 from www.wickes.co.uk.When is Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L in Wickes available? Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L ist available from to at Wickes!
What does Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L cost at Wickes? You get Wickes Aluminium Solar Reflective Roof Paint 5L at Wickes at the price of £30.99!
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