Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia
Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia
Offer from
£2.50 per L, Contract silk provides a high opacity silk finish for interior walls and ceilings. This high quality paint is ideal for covering large areas fast whilst producing a professional finish you can be proud of. This paint can conveniently be applied by brush, roller or an airless sprayer. Ideal for interior walls, ceilings and new plaster Provides excellent coverage, enabling you to cover large areas fast. This paints exceptional opacity means painting a wall or ceiling will requires less coats Coverage is 10-12 m² per Litre (on average) Wipe clean finish for long-lasting good looks
Price compare and price history for the offer Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia at Wickes and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Wickes, Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia, £2.50 per L, Contract silk provides a high opa..., VOC Level: Low | 2015-12-13 | £ 24.99 | |
2 | Wickes, Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia, £2.50 per L, Contract silk provides a high opa..., Drying time between coats | 2016-01-17 | £ 24.99 | |
3 | Wickes, Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia, £2.50 per L, Contract silk provides a high opa..., Suitable for: Standard Wa | 2016-05-01 | £ 24.99 |
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Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia Drying time between coats for £24.99
This offer was indexed on 2016-01-17 from www.wickes.co.uk.When is Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia in Wickes available? Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia ist available from to at Wickes!
What does Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia cost at Wickes? You get Wickes Contract Silk Emulsion Paint Emulsion Paint Gardinia at Wickes at the price of £24.99!
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