Leerdammer Original Grated160g
Grated medium fat hard cheese, 45% FIDM.Natural Dutch grated cheese made with pasteurised cows milk. Finely grated for perfect melting and easy sprinkling. Nutty & mild flavour. Made with milk from free grazing cows. Lactose free, suitable for vegetarians & pregnant women.Leerdammer Grated cheese 160g is a uniquely mild and nutty cheese, finely grated for perfect melting and sprinkling. Made from local Dutch milk and kept fresh by the resealable pouch, Leerdammer Grated is the perfect accompaniment to your favourite pasta dish or on top of pizza. An irresistible alternative to your usual cheese, it is designed for the whole family and suitable for vegetarians. The Leerdammer promise: - Our cows free-graze for at least 120 days a year, 6 hours a day - We work with farmers to protect animal welfare & reduce environmental impact For more inspiration, visit www.leerdammer.co.uk/
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