10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g

Waitrose  10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g

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10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g
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10 Fried pastry parcels filled with cooked shredded duck and vegetables in a hoisin and five spice sauce with a hoisin dip.Raise your canapé game with our crispy parcels of shredded duck and spiced vegetables. Serve with the hoisin sauce on the side for dipping.

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g £7.00 Waitrose, 10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g, 10 Fried pastry parcels filled with cooked shre..., 2023-12-24 £ 7.00
2 10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g £3.00 Waitrose, 10 Handmade Duck Parcels with Hoisin Dip240g, 10 Fried pastry parcels filled with cooked shre..., 2023-12-31 £ 3.00
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This offer was indexed on 2023-12-31 from www.waitrose.com.
Please note that this offer might only be available regionally. The detailed informations are available on the homepage of Waitrose
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