Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g

Waitrose  Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g

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Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g
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Pork and mozzarella meatballs, cherry tomatoes and basil pesto in a tomato sauce topped with grated Grana Padano cheese PDO and breadcrumbs.At Waitrose & Partners, we only buy meat from farmers we know and trust. Our outdoor bred pork comes from pigs born outdoors and reared in airy, straw bedded barns, on a group of carefully selected British farms. The farmers we work with are chosen for their high standards of animal welfare and husbandry and their commitment to sustainable farming, and they supply their pork exclusively to Waitrose & Partners.

Price history

Price compare and price history for the offer Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g at Waitrose and other markets

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g £5.00 Waitrose, Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g, Pork and mozzarella meatballs, cherry tomatoes ..., 2023-04-16 £ 5.00
2 Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g £5.00 Waitrose, Easy To Cook Mozzarella Stuffed Pork Meatballs565g, Pork and mozzarella meatballs, cherry tomatoes ..., 2023-10-08 £ 5.00
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This offer was indexed on 2023-10-08 from www.waitrose.com.
Please note that this offer might only be available regionally. The detailed informations are available on the homepage of Waitrose
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