Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer

Wickes  Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer

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Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer
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The ST699 electronic dual zone timer is used to control gravity, primary or fully pumped central heating systems requiring a single 24 hour programme with two ON/OFF periods per day Independent heating and water channels Up to two events per day Temporary or permanent override facilities 7 Day battery back up Operating temperature range from 0 to 45°C Designed to meet EN60730 Simple intuitive programming 2 x SPDT potential free switch rating IP20 Rated

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  • Heating/ Cooling/ Air
  • Water Heaters/ Boilers
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Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer Width: 100 mm for £68.85
When is Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer in Wickes available? Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer ist available from to at Wickes!
What does Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer cost at Wickes? You get Honeywell ST699 24 Hour Programmer at Wickes at the price of £68.85!
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This offer was indexed on 2014-07-13 from
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