HDuty Timber Hanger HU410

Wickes  HDuty Timber Hanger HU410

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HDuty Timber Hanger HU410
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Heavy duty hanger designed for applications requiring additional strength For joists 45 to 89 x 241 to 302mm Can be sloped up or down up to 45 degrees Can be skewed left or right up to 67.5 degrees Safe working load for C16 and I-joist headers is 8.65kN providing 14 round wire nails 100mm (SKU 516018) are used in the fastener face and 6 round wire nails 75mm (SKU 516016) are used in the joist. This is the minimum number of nails used to achieve this safe working load Safe working load for Laminated Veneer Lumber headers is 9.44kN providing 14 round wire nails 100mm (SKU 516018) are used in the fastener face and 6 round wire nails 75mm (SKU 516016) are used in the joist. This is the minimum number of nails used to achieve this safe working load Safe working load for C16 and I-joist headers is 11.12kN providing 18 round wire nails 100mm (SKU 516018) are used in the fastener face and 10 round wire nails 75mm (SKU 516016) are used in the joist. This is the maximum number of nails used to achieve this safe working load Safe working load for Laminated Veneer Lumber headers is 12.13kN providing 18 round wire nails 100mm (SKU 516018) are used in the fastener face and 10 round wire nails 75mm (SKU 516016) are used in the joist. This is the maximum number of nails used to achieve this safe working load

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What does HDuty Timber Hanger HU410 cost at Wickes? You get HDuty Timber Hanger HU410 at Wickes at the price of £5.49!
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This offer was indexed on 2014-07-13 from www.wickes.co.uk.
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