Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set

Wilko  Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set

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Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set
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Drive through the streets of London collecting passengers with this brilliant Blox Double Decker Bus Building Brick Set. This 315 piece set comes with full assembly instructions and includes everything you need to build a London bus complete with working wheels and authentic rear entrance. With Blox, see what else you can build - you dont just have to follow the instructions, set your imagination free to see what else you can create! Blox construction kits have been designed to work together with the leading brand. Warning:Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Choking hazard.

Price history

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set £4.00 Wilko, Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set, Drive through the streets of London collecting ..., 2016-10-02 £ 4.00
2 Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set £4.00 Wilko, Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set, Drive through the streets of London collecting ..., 2016-10-16 £ 4.00
3 Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set £4.00 Wilko, Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set, Drive through the streets of London collecting ..., 2016-10-30 £ 4.00
4 Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set £4.00 Wilko, Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set, Drive through the streets of London collecting ..., 2016-12-04 £ 4.00
5 Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set £5.00 Wilko, Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set, Drive through the streets of London collecting ..., 2017-01-29 £ 5.00
6 Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set £4.00 Wilko, Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set, , 2019-09-29 £ 4.00
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Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set for £4.00
When is Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set in Wilko available? Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set ist available from to at Wilko!
What does Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set cost at Wilko? You get Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set at Wilko at the price of £4.00!
If you are looking for the current offer of Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set at Wilko in , then you are right with OffersCheck. Here you get the information, when you can procure Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set from Wilko! The offer for Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set at Wilko calendar week and many more offers You can view the offer and write a review at OffersCheck. The answer to the question Wilko when there is Wilko Blox London Bus Medium Set can also be obtained at OffersCheck.
This offer was indexed on 2016-10-16 from www.wilko.com.
Please note that this offer might only be available regionally. The detailed informations are available on the homepage of Wilko
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