Werner 4X5 Mt Ladder

RobertDyas  Werner 4X5 Mt Ladder

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Werner 4X5 Mt Ladder
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The Werner 75065 Multi-purpose Telescopic (MT) Ladder is a compact and versatile 3 in 1 ladder, ideal for decorating and maintenance work. In addition to the multiple modes this ladder offers, the telescopic feature enables users to adjust the ladder to up to 30 different height positions. Features: Telescopic design easily adjusts to various working heights One ladder combines as a step ladder, stairwell ladder and extension ladder all in one product Spring loaded J Locks enable quick and easy adjustment to different heights Easy to operate hinge locks to quickly change ladder modes Made from high grade aluminium to ensure the ladder is lightweight but strong Slip-resistant square rungs for comfort and security Heavy-duty box section stiles for maximum rigidity Specifications: Dimensions: H:151.0 x W:86.0 x D:22.0 cm Colour: Silver Guarantee:10Year Material: Aluminium Model Number: 75065

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This offer was indexed on 2024-11-03 from www.robertdyas.co.uk.
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