Shire Delmora 8 ft x 14 ft Summerhouse With Veranda
Shire Delmora 8 ft x 14 ft Summerhouse With Veranda
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The Delmora is a beautiful summerhouse with a glazed front and featuring a pretty veranda. There are double doors giving easy access to your garden furniture and imagine dining here with the doors thrown open to enjoy your garden. The Delmora has opening windows, the number is determined by the building size so please look at the plan drawing provided. This lovely garden room is constructed from high grade 12 mm pine shiplap boards over sturdy 34 mm x 34mm framing. The floor and roof are 12 mm T
Price compare and price history for the offer Shire Delmora 8 ft x 14 ft Summerhouse With Veranda at RobertDyas and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | RobertDyas, Shire Delmora 8 ft x 14 ft Summerhouse With Veranda, The Delmora is a beautiful summerhouse with a g..., | 2023-09-10 | £ 1,029.99 | |
2 | RobertDyas, Shire Delmora 8 ft x 14 ft Summerhouse With Veranda, The Delmora is a beautiful summerhouse with a g..., | 2024-03-31 | £ 1,155.99 |
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