Rockjam Keyboard Piano Bundle Kit

RobertDyas  Rockjam Keyboard Piano Bundle Kit

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Rockjam Keyboard Piano Bundle Kit
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The RockJam Keyboard Piano Super Kit includes a 61-key keyboard, a keyboard stand, a keyboard bench, and a pair of high-quality over-ear headphones all in one box. The 61 key keyboard piano has the latest chipset (2024) that provides you with the highest quality sound output and functionality including 200 tones, 200 rhythms < 40 Demo songs that are all played through the two integrated stereo speakers. It also has USB and AUX inputs that allow you to play along with your favorite songs via any mobile device or USB stick (MP3) through the keyboard itself. This keyboard can be powered by both batteries (6 x 1. 5V Size D batteries) and main power (Mains power adapter included) so it can be used both portably and in the home. To accompany all of the above the keyboard piano has a record and playback function (46 note memory, ) three teaching modes, metronome, split keyboard mode, sustain and transpose are all easily accessible from the clear LED display on the keyboard. To complement this high-performance keyboard is a durable and stable keyboard bench, a keyboard stand and high quality over the ear headphones so you can practice in privacy without disturbing others. For the budding musician, this package also includes access to exclusive content within the Simply Piano application (IOS < Android) which means you can be playing along to your favorite songs in minutes. TakeLessons also provides you with face to face and group lessons. Features: The RockJam 650RD keyboard piano super kit includes a digital keyboard with 61 full-size keys giving you that traditional piano feel whilst maintaining a portable and compact design that can be powered by either mains (power supply included) or batteries This RockJam 650RD piano keyboard features a LED panel that both displays and engages the 200 rhythms, 200 tones, a teaching function, and 30 demo songs that are part of its functionality The RockJam 650RD electric piano has record and playback functionality allowing you...

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