Outsunny Garden Wooden Tool Shed w/ 3 Shelves - Grey

RobertDyas  Outsunny Garden Wooden Tool Shed w/ 3 Shelves - Grey

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Outsunny Garden Wooden Tool Shed w/ 3 Shelves - Grey
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Multi storage design: Garden storage shed comes with a covered storage area, an open storage area and a small storage box at the top. Plenty of room for holding different tools and gardening equipment. Features: Multi storage design: Garden storage shed comes with a covered storage area, an open storage area and a small storage box at the top. Plenty of room for holding different tools and gardening equipment Wooden structure: A strong and durable garden storage cabinet shed. Suitable for outdoor use, finished with a water-resistant coating for light protection Asphalt roof covering: Extra protection, helps prevent water leaking through to inside this garden tool shed Rotating block lock: Secure the door of this garden storage unit in place when closed Dimensions: 180H x 129L x 51.5Wcm. Left storage: 124H x 62W x 42Dcm. Right storage: 111.5-145H x 54.5W x 44.5Dcm. Top storage: 39H x 61W x 42Dcm Specifications: Dimensions: H:180.0 x W:129.0 x D:51.5 cm Colour: Grey Guarantee:6 Months Material: Fir Wood Model Number: 845-336V03

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