Absodry Moisture Absorber - Grey
Absodry Duo Family Tab is the moisture absorber that blends nicely into any room in the home or workplace. With its Scandinavian and minimalistic shape, it gives a modern and decorative expression. It works in silence and is easily emptied of water when the indicator shows full. The product is made in Sweden.Absodry Duo Family Tab is delivered with a refill. One tab lasts 1-3 months depending on the humidity where it is placed. Suitable for spaces up to 50 m3. The special tab absorb excess moisture in the surrounding air that condenses into water in the container, and balances the humidity in its surroundings. Features: Easily removes excess moisture from the room Water full indicator and easy empty port Replacable bags will last 90 days before changing Suitable for areas up to 50m3 Prevents moisture, mould and odours Made from 94% recycled materials Specifications: Dimensions: H:21.0 x W:14.0 x D:14.0 cm Colour: Grey Guarantee:1 year Material: Plastic Model Number: 220-ADB
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