Wholegood Organic Wonky Cucumber
£2.84 per kgOur wonky cucumber vary in size and shape each week, long, short, fat or thin and not straight! You can expect one to two units (or more) per pack, we guarantee a minimum weight of 500g. The cucumbers are wrapped in plastic at source, this is to protect the cucumber and extend its life, we minimise plastic in the packing of our produce but wrapping cucumbers is vital in fighting food waste as they would struggle to last the journey if not wrapped. By purchasing our wonky produce, you contribute to reducing food waste, a significant issue in todays society.We work closely with our organic growers to rescue perfectly edible produce that may otherwise be discarded. This partnership allows them to harvest more of their crop, minimising wasted energy and resources.Each year, millions of tonnes of produce are wasted due to size and uniformity standards. we are proud to be able to offer our wonky produce to help our growers sell as much of their crop as possible at a more affordable price.
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