Natoora Root Ginger

Ocado  Natoora Root Ginger

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Natoora Root Ginger
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10.9p per 10gFLAVOUR IS A FRONTIERNatoora Root Ginger- Choose Root Ginger for an aromatic and spicy addition to your recipes.- Fresh and juicy, these roots lend vibrant flavour to raw and cooked dishes.Take it further- Use a teaspoon to lightly scratch away the skin without taking too much of the flesh with you.- Slice or dice very thinly and use raw or lightly stir fried.- Infuse into tea or cold press into juices.Natoora radical approach to seasonal sourcing is shaping the future of food- We are revolutionising the food system. - We work direct with growers who value flavour, biodiversity and heritage over yield. - We give them the support they need to build a better future for food, rooted in small scale, sustainable agriculture that gives back to our planet.

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Natoora Root Ginger £1.27 Ocado, Natoora Root Ginger, 10.6p per 10gRoot ginger is wonderfully tangy, ..., 2022-01-09 £ 1.27
2 Natoora Root Ginger £1.27 Ocado, Natoora Root Ginger, 10.6p per 10gRoot ginger is wonderfully tangy, ..., 2023-02-26 £ 1.27
3 Natoora Root Ginger £1.27 Ocado, Natoora Root Ginger, 10.6p per 10gRoot ginger is wonderfully tangy, ..., 2023-08-27 £ 1.27
4 Natoora Root Ginger £1.31 Ocado, Natoora Root Ginger, 10.9p per 10gFLAVOUR IS A FRONTIERNatoora Root ..., 2024-03-24 £ 1.31
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