Lilys Kitchen Advent Calendar For Dogs

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Lilys Kitchen Advent Calendar For Dogs
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£8.40 per 100gChristmas means family time. Pets included. Which is why we’ve created an advent calendar made especially for your little one. Now your pooch can join in all the festivities with you. Your lucky woofer gets to enjoy a daily treat in the countdown to Christmas—a selection of three delicious meaty goodies made with top quality ingredients. Just remember, don’t give in to the puppy eyes, no matter how powerful.Fellow dog parents who have treated their pooch to our advent calendars in the past—you’ll notice that we’ve replaced our baked biscuits with mouth-wateringly tasty meaty treats. Your pooch will get to enjoy:Turkey Bites - Tempting mini circles made with proper meat, offal and natural ingredients to a grain-free recipe. Perfect for getting their attention on wintry walks. Chicken Bites — Made with freshly prepared chicken with a sprinkling of quinoa and a little dash of ginger, these treats will distract your dog from whatever festive nibbles you’re eating.Chicken with Beef Bites — A recipe made up of freshly prepared chicken and beef with a touch of butternut squash and a dusting of turmeric. Christmas just got tastier.

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