LEAP MSC Sockeye Salmon Fillets

Ocado  LEAP MSC Sockeye Salmon Fillets

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LEAP MSC Sockeye Salmon Fillets
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£31.50 per kgSockeye salmon is renowned for its succulent texture, vibrant crimson colour and its intense flavour. These unique qualities come from its diet, which is higher in shellfish than any other Pacific salmon. A brilliant source of vitamin D, protein and omega-3, each bite is packed with nutrients.Simply pan-fry and serve with a squeeze of lemon and steamed seasonal vegetables. Or why not try grilling in on a barbecue for a subtle, smoky flavourWild-caught in Alaska waters, our sockeye salmon is free, not farmed. Dedicated to keeping the wild population healthy and abundant, every fishery we use has been certified as sustainable to the Marine Stewardship Councils expert standard.

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