La Vieille Ferme Red

Ocado  La Vieille Ferme Red

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La Vieille Ferme Red
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£7.50 per 75clSince five generations, Famille Perrin offers all their savoir-faire, their passion and their experience in creating the La Vieille Ferme wines.Faithful to our family values, these wines are authentic, tasty and balanced. For over 40 years, they have been considered as one of the best value for money wines in the world.

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 La Vieille Ferme Red £7.99 Ocado, La Vieille Ferme Red, £7.99 per 75cl, Recolte Red Wine The Perrin fa..., 2018-06-10 £ 7.99
2 La Vieille Ferme Red £7.50 Ocado, La Vieille Ferme Red, £7.50 per 75clSince five generations, Famille ..., 2023-10-22 £ 7.50
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