Ken Hom Wok
Ken Hom Classic Non-Stick WokDimensions: 31 x 12 x 50cmDiameter: 31cmA lightweight carbon steel wok finished with a two layer non-stick coating designed for stir-frying at high temperatures. Coated inside and out to provide a robust sealed coating for long-lasting endurance.The beautifully crafted wooden handle is secured via two rivets to ensure you always have a sturdy handle that wont come loose. Finished with a hanging loop for easy storage.The non-stick coating ensures the wok is ready to use from the moment it arrives. Simply give it a quick wash, dry thoroughly and start cooking. When ready to start cooking, place the wok centrally over the hob ring, add oil and heat on a medium high setting. Once the oil starts smoking youre ready to start cooking. Silicone, wooden or nylon utensils are recommended to help prolong the coating.
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