Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour

Ocado  Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour

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Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour
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£1.78 per 100gOur bites combine 91% chicken breast with 9% seasoning and ingredients. Real protein with irresistible flavour whenever you need a pick me up.

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Price compare and price history for the offer Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour at Ocado and other markets

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour £1.69 Ocado, Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour, £1.25 per 100gOur bites combine 91% Chicken br..., 2021-07-11 £ 1.69
2 Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour £2.00 Ocado, Fridge Raiders Minis Roast Flavour, £1.78 per 100gOur bites combine 91% chicken br..., 2024-04-21 £ 2.00
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