Clearspring Organic Japanese Silken & Smooth Tofu
Clearspring Organic Japanese Silken & Smooth Tofu
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49.4p per 100gSilky soft and smooth, Clearspring Organic Tofu is a low fat soya food, great for everyday use and rich in vegetable protein. Our tofu is ready to eat straight out of the pack or you can use it as a substitute for eggs, dairy and meat in your favourite recipes, both savoury and sweet.
Price compare and price history for the offer Clearspring Organic Japanese Silken & Smooth Tofu at Ocado and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Ocado, Clearspring Organic Japanese Silken & Smooth Tofu, 53.4p per 100gSilky soft and smooth, Clearsprin..., | 2023-06-25 | £ 1.60 | |
2 | Ocado, Clearspring Organic Japanese Silken & Smooth Tofu, 49.4p per 100gSilky soft and smooth, Clearsprin..., | 2024-03-24 | £ 1.48 |
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