Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm

Wickes  Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm

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Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm
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Large general purpose brush for applying all paints and wood care products over a large area Suitable for applying all paints and wood care products. Large brush for wider coverage

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£18.99 per EACH, T-bar and Reducer is an ideal solution to cover gaps where the floor ...
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Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm Length: 120 mm for £2.49
When is Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm in Wickes available? Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm ist available from to at Wickes!
What does Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm cost at Wickes? You get Multi-Purpose Block Brush 140x40mm at Wickes at the price of £2.49!
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This offer was indexed on 2014-07-13 from
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