Livarno Home LED Solar Plant Stand

Lidl  Livarno Home LED Solar Plant Stand

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Livarno Home LED Solar Plant Stand
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Atmospheric decoration for the garden, patio, or balconyMade from metal in an antique designTurns on automatically at duskCan also be switched off manuallyWeather-resistant and splashproof (IP44)Illumination time: 6-8 hours (fully charged)Includes replaceable Ni-MH battery (1.2V / 400mAh) Choose from:32 LEDs Stand32 warm white LEDs with a flashing function - creates the illusion of flowing waterWith two small flowerpots for plantingWith ground spikes for anchoring to the groundSize: W25 x D11 x H85cmSize per flowerpot: L12 x W12 x H11cm16 LEDs Stand16 warm white LEDs with a flashing function - creates the illusion of flowing waterWith a large flowerpot for plantingWith standSize: W19.5 x D17.5 x H62cmSize per flowerpot: L16 x W16 x H14cm3-year warranty

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