Airfix Model Kit Starter Set
Airfix Model Kit Starter Set
Offer from
Ideal for beginners, these starter sets include all you need to build impressive modelsEach set comes with glue, brush and acrylic paintsAge recommendation: 8+ years+Choose from:Willys MB JeepSupermarine SpitfireFolland Gnat T.1 YellowjacksCurtiss TomahawkSherman FireflyTiger
Price compare and price history for the offer Airfix Model Kit Starter Set at Lidl and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Lidl, Airfix Model Kit Starter Set, , | 2020-11-15 | £ 4.99 | |
2 | Lidl, Airfix Model Kit Starter Set, Ideal for beginners, these starter sets include..., | 2022-11-27 | £ 6.99 | |
3 | Lidl, Airfix Model Kit Starter Set, Ideal for beginners, these starter sets include..., | 2023-07-23 | £ 6.99 |
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