Native Fab Window Curtains 2 Panels-52 Inch x 84 Inch

InExcess  Native Fab Window Curtains 2 Panels-52 Inch x 84 Inch

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Native Fab Window Curtains 2 Panels-52 Inch x 84 Inch
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Available online only Update your kitchen, living room, den with these farmhouse look curtains tiers and valance set. 100% Cotton fabric combine classic elegance with everyday functionality. The cotton fabric provides stylish drape and long wear. With rod pocket construction no hooks or curtains rings are needed, slide easily onto your favourite curtain rod. Machine washable for easy care. Two curtain panels with back tab construction measure extra wide 52 W x 84 L 100% Pure cotton farmhouse curtains for bedroom, living room, kitchen and kids bedroom Classic style - no hooks or rings required, panel slide easily onto curtain rod Fits farmhouse, rustic, vintage and distressed look with a very chic and trendy pattern Machine washable, dryable and easy to care - always follow care label instructions

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