Invigorated Water Alkaline Water Filter Jug - Gold Steel
Experience superior hydration with the pH VITALITY Stainless Steel Alkaline Water Pitcher, an advanced water distiller and phox+water+filter system that converts ordinary water into revitalizing alkaline, ionized water. Discover a unique blend of style and functionality with our alkaline water filter pitcher, a water filter system that combines the elegance of glass with the resilience of stainless steel, ensuring unmatched freshness and taste. The product includes a durable filter jug and is designed for hassle-free setup, serving as a practical and stylish solution for water softeners in your kitchen. Box includes a Portable Travel Alkaline Water Filter (pH ON-THE-GO 100g). You can use this with your pitcher or take it with you in the included waterproof ziplock foil bag when you go away so you can have healthy water anywhere, anytime. Colour: Gold Steel 1.9L Box includes: Steel Pitcher, pH ON-THE-GO 100g < filter/ice/fruit guard Perfect for home, office, parties, camping, ice water, fruit-infused water or alkaline water
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