The Daily Bakery 4 Sliced Brioche Rolls
The Daily Bakery 4 Sliced Brioche Rolls
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Ingredients Wheat Flour, Pasteurised Liquid Whole Egg, Sugar, Rapeseed Oil, Dried Skimmed Milk, Yeast, Emulsifier: Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids; Salt, Wheat Gluten, Deactivated Yeast, Preservative: Sorbic Acid; Colour: Carotenes; Antioxidant: Acerola Extract. ALLERGY ADVICE: FOR ALLERGENS, SEE UNDERLINED INGREDIENTS IN BOLD. ALSO, MAY CONTAIN SESAME SEEDS AND SOYA. WARNING! SAFETY FIRST: TO AVOID SUFFOCATION, PLEASE KEEP THIS BAG AWAY FROM BABIES AND CHILDREN.
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