TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb

Homebase  TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb

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TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb
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Energy saving filament bulb that lasts up to 15 years. Its warm soft white diffused light makes it ideal for almost any room. LED Bulb 4.2 Watts G Energy rating

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb £4.00 Homebase, TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb, Energy saving filament bulb that lasts up to 15..., 2023-10-01 £ 4.00
2 TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb £4.00 Homebase, TCP LED Filament R63 5W ES Light Bulb, Energy saving filament bulb that lasts up to 15..., 2024-02-11 £ 4.00
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This offer was indexed on 2024-02-11 from
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