Sarah Ravens Phacelia Tanacetifolla Seeds
Sarah Ravens Phacelia Tanacetifolla Seeds
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A very popular green manure, which when sown in a block not only benefits the soil when dug in, but looks beautiful and the bees love it. Perfect cut flower that lasts about 5 days in the vase
Price compare and price history for the offer Sarah Ravens Phacelia Tanacetifolla Seeds at Homebase and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Homebase, Sarah Ravens Phacelia Tanacetifolla Seeds, A very popular green manure, which when sown in..., | 2023-02-12 | £ 2.65 | |
2 | Homebase, Sarah Ravens Phacelia Tanacetifolla Seeds, A very popular green manure, which when sown in..., | 2024-02-18 | £ 2.65 |
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