PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite

Homebase  PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite

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PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite
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Interior decorative wall and ceiling panelling system that is easy to fit and simple to maintain. Excellent for sound proofing and insulation.This item is delivered direct to you from one of our suppliers, please see our Terms and Conditions for more details. PVC panels are suitable for all walls and ceilings in showers, bathrooms, kitchens, conservatories, extensions and utility. 100% Waterproof PVC core. Hygienic wipe clean surface. Simple to clean with just warm soapy water Mould free

Price history

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite £92.65 Homebase, PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite, Interior decorative wall and ceiling panelling ..., 2023-10-22 £ 92.65
2 PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite £109.00 Homebase, PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite, Interior decorative wall and ceiling panelling ..., 2023-11-19 £ 109.00
3 PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite £87.20 Homebase, PVC Panel 2400x1000x10mm - White Granite, Interior decorative wall and ceiling panelling ..., 2024-01-21 £ 87.20
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This offer was indexed on 2024-01-21 from www.homebase.co.uk.
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