Polycell 3 in 1 Basecoat - 5L
Polycell 3 in 1 Basecoat - 5L
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Polycell BaseCoat is a unique undercoat for walls that completely covers all common wall imperfections in one easily applied coat. Containing Polyfilla technology, the formulation not only covers hairline cracks, stains, patches and strong colours but also permanently stops them from reappearing - providing the perfect foundation before you paint. A unique undercoat for walls and ceilings that completely covers all common wall imperfections Permanently covers cracks, stains and strong colours in just one coat Easily applied with a roller, straight from the tub Water based for easy use and clean up
Price compare and price history for the offer Polycell 3 in 1 Basecoat - 5L at Homebase and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Homebase, Polycell 3 in 1 BaseCoat - 5L, Polycell 3 in 1 BaseCoat provides a sound found..., | 2022-10-02 | £ 44.00 | |
2 | Homebase, Polycell 3 in 1 Basecoat - 5L, Polycell BaseCoat is a unique undercoat for wal..., | 2024-02-18 | £ 50.00 |
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