Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel

Homebase  Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel

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Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel
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On the lookout for stylish shower panels for a new bathroom, shower or wet room installation Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panels are designed to completely transform your bathroom interiors with their cool colourway and design. Each Large Pergamon Marble shower panel is made from a strong PVC board which has a hollow cavity and can be easily fitted together using the clever tongue and groove system. Once installed, these PVC shower panels are 100% waterproof and incredibly easy to care for, providing a hygienic surface for years to come. You can even finish off your stylish new installation using any of our matching 10mm shower trims. Once installed, this shower panel is completely waterproof and is incredibly easy to clean, simply wipe down with a damp cloth and your bathroom will return to its sparkling glory. This item is delivered direct to you from one of our suppliers, please see our Terms and Conditions for more details. Tough durable panel designed for the shower area Easy to install No grout to maintain easy to clean Smart alternative to tiles Can be installed over tiles

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel £51.29 Homebase, Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel, On the lookout for stylish shower panels for a ..., 2023-11-19 £ 51.29
2 Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel £56.99 Homebase, Panel Company Large Pergamon Marble Shower Panel, On the lookout for stylish shower panels for a ..., 2023-12-10 £ 56.99
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