NewIcon Pedal Bin - 5L - Metallic Grey

Homebase  NewIcon Pedal Bin - 5L - Metallic Grey

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NewIcon Pedal Bin - 5L - Metallic Grey
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Brabantias Pedal Bin NewIcon 5 litre is not only stylish and hygienic, but a reliable worker too. Sturdy, and always standing strong because of its non-slip base and anti-tilting block. The lid is odour-proof, closes softly and opens at the lightest tap of your foot. A small touch of timeless design for your bathroom, toilet or nursery - or any other room that could use a great little bin! Space efficient - XS volume (5L) Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket Odour-proof - tight closing lid No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base

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