Country Living Basil Thai Seeds
Country Living Basil Thai Seeds
Offer from
Dont forget your compost Authentic aniseed-basil flavour for Asian style dishes. Fast growing leafy plants with deliciously aromatic leaves to help create the genuine flavours of Asian cusine. Can be grown indoors all year round. Ideal for stir-fries and fried rice. Sow Jan - Dec
Price compare and price history for the offer Country Living Basil Thai Seeds at Homebase and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Homebase, Country Living Basil Thai Seeds, Dont forget your compost Authentic aniseed-bas..., | 2023-10-08 | £ 1.00 | |
2 | Homebase, Country Living Basil Thai Seeds, Dont forget your compost Authentic aniseed-bas..., | 2024-02-11 | £ 1.00 |
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