Bosch Series 4 BFL523MB0B Built In Microwave - Black

Homebase  Bosch Series 4 BFL523MB0B Built In Microwave - Black

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Bosch Series 4 BFL523MB0B Built In Microwave - Black
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Bosch microwave ovens are affordable, stylish and great for getting you through the weekly meal prep. So whatever youre making the family for dinner, cooking is always really easy with this model. This item is delivered direct to you from one of our suppliers, please see our Terms and Conditions for more details. 20 litre capacity is the perfect size for making meals and snacks in a small household Its got 800 Watts of power too, so its quick and means you wont be waiting long for your food to cook Take your pick from 7 programmes, therell always be one thats right for your recipe The touch and dial controls are easy to adjust, so itll never be a struggle to find the right settings for your food This models measurements are 38.2 (H) x 59.4 (W) x 37.1 (D) (cm) so make sure you size up before buying

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