Halfords 5 Piece Lifting Kit 657230

Halfords  Halfords 5 Piece Lifting Kit 657230

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Halfords 5 Piece Lifting Kit 657230
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Halfords 5 Piece Lifting Kit Includes 1 Trolley Jack, 2 Axle Stands, 1 Wheel Wrench, 1 Car Creeper, 2 Folding Wheel Chocks Minimum Height: 14cm / Maximum height: 34cm / Lifting range: 14cm to 34cm / Saddle Diameter : 6.7cm / Height range : 26.5 to 36.5cm 2x Axle stands with a safe working load of 1 tonne per stand / 2 tonne per pair 3 Height Positions Wheel Wrench with 17/19mm Socket Perfect Kit for any Garage The Halfords 5 Piece Lifting Kit includes key items for working on your car, with a 2 Tonne lifting capacity. This kit includes items for all of your advanced needs or general every day jobs. High Quality Equipment Kit includes: 1 Trolley Jack, 2 Axle Stands, 1 Wheel Wrench, 1 Car Creeper, 2 Folding Wheel Chocks With 5 different pieces of equipment, this lifting kit has everything you need to work on your car!

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