VTech Squishy Spikes Alligator
ANY 2 FOR £20VTech Squishy Spikes Alligator. Squish and learn with the Squishy Spikes Alligator by VTech. The adorable push-along Alligator is going to get kids moving and giggling, look for his eyes spinning as you push him forwards and backwards! He has squishy spikes on his back that encourage tactile stimulation and sensory development as baby plays. On his side, there are four press buttons that light up for visual stimulation and colour learning. They introduce children to Alligator and fun facts about him, nature sounds that he would hear in his natural environment, songs about Alligator and popular melodies. Requires 2 x AAA batteries; batteries included for demo purposes only; new batteries recommended for regular use. Browse more Baby < Toddler Toys online, or buy in-store at B
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