Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker & Cooler Bag
Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker & Cooler Bag
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Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker < Cooler Bag. Enjoy cold drinks and listen to music when out and about with the Summer Vibes Cooler bag with built-in Bluetooth speaker. Complete with handy shoulder strap. Features: x 12 can capacity Up to 3 hours playtime per charge Charging cable < user manual included Browse more Action Cameras online, or buy in-store at B
Price compare and price history for the offer Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker & Cooler Bag at BMStores and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | BMStores, Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker & Cooler Bag, Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker < Cooler Bag. En..., | 2024-05-12 | £ 10.00 | |
2 | BMStores, Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker & Cooler Bag, Tail Gate Bluetooth Speaker < Cooler Bag. En..., | 2024-06-16 | £ 8.00 |
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