Coberg Set of 3 Shelves
Coberg Set of 3 Shelves
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Coberg Set of 3 Shelves. Upgrade your space with this stylish Set of Coberg Shelves. Transform your space effortlessly with these versatile and functional shelves that bring a modern look to your space. Featuring a rustic dark wood finish, the design of these shelves adds warmth and character to any room. Perfect for displaying your favourite decorative pieces, or keep your items organised in style. Easy self-assembly. Colour: Rustic Dark Wood Finish Dimensions: Small: 30 x 15 x 14.5cm Medium: 45 x 15 x 14.5cm Large: 60 x 15 x 14.5cm (All measurements are approx.) Browse more Storage < Shelving online, or buy in-store at B
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