Asda Effervescent Health Salts 227G

Asda Asda Effervescent Health Salts 227G

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Effervescent Health Salts 227G
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Pharmacy & Health; Info: Gently relieves an upset stomach Magnesium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid This medicine contains: Magnesium sulphates, which is laxative and also helps to balance the salts in your body, citric acid makes urine less acidic and also helps to balance the salts in your body and sodium bicarbonate which is an antacid and helps to reduce acidity in the stomach. For the relief of the symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, feeling sick, and for the relief of constipation.; Additional info:SucroseContains; price Per UOM (Unit of Measure): ; Ingredients: Contains the Active Ingredient: Sodium Bicarbonate 22.6% w/w, Citric Acid 19.5% w/w, Magnesium Sulphate 17.4% w/w , The Other Ingredient is: Sucrose (Sugar) .; Manufacturer address: The Marketing Authorisation holder and manufacturer: Wrafton Laboratories Limited, Braunton, Devon, EX33 2DL, UK. Produced for: Asda Stores Ltd., Leeds, LS11 5AD.

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What does Effervescent Health Salts 227G cost at Asda? You get Effervescent Health Salts 227G at Asda at the price of £3.00!
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