Ferrex Moisture Sensor

Aldi  Ferrex Moisture Sensor

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Ferrex Moisture Sensor
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Take DIY in your stride when your tool box is fully kitted out with everything you need. For easy measuring of moisture in wood, walls and building materials, make sure youve got this Ferrex Moisture Sensor to hand. Featuring LCD display and temperature display function, it will also display moisture in a percentage.

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Ferrex Moisture Sensor £9.99 Aldi, Ferrex Moisture Sensor, , 2021-02-28 £ 9.99
2 Ferrex Moisture Sensor £9.99 Aldi, Ferrex Moisture Sensor, Take DIY in your stride when your tool box is f..., 2024-01-28 £ 9.99
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This offer was indexed on 2024-01-28 from www.aldi.co.uk.
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