Ambiano Mini Chopper

Aldi  Ambiano Mini Chopper

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Ambiano Mini Chopper
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The Ambiano mini chopper promises to make short work of chopping, blending and mixing smaller amounts of food together. Removeable stainless blades make for easy cleaning.

Price history

Price compare and price history for the offer Ambiano Mini Chopper at Aldi and other markets

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 Ambiano Mini Chopper £9.99 Aldi, Ambiano Mini Chopper, , 2020-01-05 £ 9.99
2 Ambiano Mini Chopper £12.99 Aldi, Ambiano Mini Chopper, The Ambiano mini chopper promises to make short..., 2024-01-14 £ 12.99
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